Comments on Profile Post by RealNickonator

  1. Jawed
    Really? You don't? They do nothing.
    Jan 1, 2017
  2. RealNickonator
    That doesn't warrant harassment.
    Jan 1, 2017
    Snorlax, imcalledsarah and Parker like this.
  3. Parker
    @Jawed he doesn't post anything anymore because people are filling all of his posts with hatred.
    Jan 1, 2017
    imcalledsarah and RealNickonator like this.
  4. Pepper
    minetime got blacklisted, no word from them. mineverse got blacklisted, they almost instantly make a backup (they changed it from .com to .org). on MT we had to find a loophole ourselves. and on top of that, cypriotmerks has the nerve to ban several people for criticizing him, even though that is NOT how mt rules work, and he has no right to do so. they deserve every second of this.
    Jan 1, 2017
    Snorlax, Jawed and Gurkin like this.
  5. Jawed
    @Parker If he can't take hatred then he shouldn't own a server, if he really can't update us on anything or you know make changes the server needs its no wonder why people harass him.
    Jan 1, 2017