USA Staff Application - Kittybens [Locked]

Discussion in 'Staff Application Archive' started by Kittybens, Mar 21, 2021.

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  1. Kittybens

    Kittybens New Member

    Mar 21, 2021
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    • Your in-game name: Kittybens

    • What timezone are you in? EST.

    • What country do you live in? Florida.

    • Do you have 2FA enabled? Not currently (Will soon)

    • Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc): Yes I do.

    • Why do you think you should become a helper? I think I should become a Helper because, I can work long hours, love to be helpful to others ensuring the safety of them and the game, I can have patience when it comes to situations, and if I see anyone needing help or seeming like they need help with anything I will always ask just in case!

    • How long can you be active on the server everyday? I have school but when I get back probably around 5-6 hours or more, during weekends I can be on anytime as long as I do not have to go anywhere of course! :shy:

    • How long have you been playing Minetime? I was a past user named Evancoolboy1 I played prison for most of my time and it was when there was a big pvp zone and players had to cross it to get to mines or they could TP to them! I have now just currently started getting back to it things have definitely changed over time!

    • Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I have not been banned for anything in the past or present, I know that's a suspicious answer but, It's true, and if you can you may search any sort of bans on my account if needed! :thumbsup:

    • Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper? I have just not on a minecraft server, if you wish for me to list them then here: I used to be a Moderator for a game in Roblox called TGR (The Galactic Republic), and was pretty good at doing my job. It is a long story might say some more later about it! It was indeed a good experience, thus I found out my job for online, it was to help others and do moderation. :):love:

      A note: I spaced out the lines so you could read it with ease, (Hoping that it worked) and I must thank you, thank you for taking the time to read this application reader, I hope to join your staff team soon!

  2. Hammynl

    Hammynl Ninja

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I'm gonna have to go with a Neutral, here are some reasons:

    • You only joined the forums yesterday.
    • This application is actually your first message on the entire forum.
    • I think you could elaborate some more on the "Why do you think you should become a helper" part.
    In my opinion it has some good reasons on why you would be a good helper, but not why we should choose YOU as an individual. I can really see that you are capable of this and you seem like a very nice person.

    Here are 3 things you can do to get my full support!

    • Elaborate a bit more on the "Why do you think you should become a helper" part.
    • Make your application a bit more readable in terms of styling. The anwsers are pasted right behind the question
    • Become a bit more familiar with the forums and it's community.
    I wish you the best of luck!
  3. 2k06

    2k06 Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    As hammynl said I will go with neutral because of basically the same reasons
    • You only joined the forums yesterday
    • I haven't seen you online before
    • And you need to elaborate a bit on the why you think you should become a helper part
    I also recommend adding a bit of colour to make it look nicer

    Good luck
  4. nik1711

    Super Moderator Premium

    Jan 2, 2014
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    First, I Love the formatting style, clean, and easy to read.

    You seem to show that you are interested in helping our server, which is a great start; but I would highly suggest getting to know our community here on the forums and in-game! (Stay Active!! Very important)

    I've had a short conversation with you and you seem to show maturity which is great!
    I will go with neutral for now, as long as you remain active and show determination I might change it to support. ;)
  5. Xavier


    Sep 7, 2014
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    I’m neutral! Knowing the forums and the server is essential to be hired as a staff member. Maybe elaborate on the « Why do you think you should become a helper » section. However, I feel like you are very interested in helping players. Good luck!
  6. God

    God #GhostArmy

    Dec 30, 2016
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    No support, joined a VC with you the other day and you were saying some truly ungodly things (including but not limited to the nword) as a "joke". Would not want you to be a staff member on my server, nor this server.
  7. Yeeter

    Social Media Manager

    Dec 14, 2020
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    I'm going to have to go with a neutral on this. I haven't really seen you in game at all. I feel like you should elaborate a lot more on the why you should be helper, it seems like you put minimal effort into it and just stated what you can do but like others said there is no reasons why we should be picking you out of everyone else. Personally I prefer colors when I'm reading an application because I feel like it stands out more.
    Good Luck!
  8. nik1711

    Super Moderator Premium

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Thread locked due to inactivity.
    If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

    Kind regards,
    The Staff
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