Prison Sending Players to Spawn When Logging Offline!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by ferras, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. ferras

    ferras Forum Enthusiast

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Sending Players to Spawn When Logging Offline!
    Hello there everyone! Alright so I was on prison smelting my golden & iron ores. Then a player logged on, went into my furnaces, and got my gold. I was fortunate enough to get the iron, but not the gold. He wouldn't give it back, so there goes my 64 golden ores. I suggest that when a player leaves the server, they are automatically sent to spawn, and when they logged back on, they are at spawn. The player obviously went into furnace room, and logged off. He logged back on, and found my items being smelted. He then took them. I hope this suggestion gets accepted immediately to prevent what just happened to me happening to others in the future. I believe this is enabled on MV's prison. Thank you for reading! <3
    @Matt @Pile
  2. ferras

    ferras Forum Enthusiast

    Nov 7, 2015
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    That's true, but is there a way where players A, and below would only be sent to spawn? Do you think there is a different way of solving this?
  3. nat

    nat Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 6, 2014
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    would be very easy to avoid pvp once you reach freeworld. no support

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