Skyblock New Crates Broken

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by TheFrikinAsian, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 25, 2014
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    To sum it up quickly...

    - Vote rewards are not being applied
    - Timed vote message displays old info
    - Vote Message still displays old info
    - New Crate Keys appear in "bonus key" message but is not applied
    - /kit spawnercrate still gives old key
    - According to the displayed text in the vote message, users are still receiving the old Vote Key

    - There is a Pig Spawner hologram hanging out at Old Crates
    - I would assume you are going to put the old crates on a time limit before removing? Month+?
    - I am sure there are other things broken.

    I know changing the crates was last minute and you're doing what you can, but I figured you needed someone to care enough to help you out. Regardless, thank you for keeping the server afloat.
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  2. Beeman


    Sep 29, 2013
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    Thanks for the help! The new crates plugin was overhauled, and it changed the command for giving a player a key, so that is why it wasn't applying whatsoever.

    The Spawner Crate Key has been updated too.

    You can use all your old keys at /warp oldcrates.
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