Survival More claim blocks / Catch griefers more easily

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by Zyphlox, May 13, 2018.

  1. Zyphlox

    Zyphlox Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Here are 2 suggestions:
    1. Add more claim blocks you get per hour and/or allow players to buy and sell claim blocks. I feel as the rate right now of 100 claim blocks per hour is too little. This might be because I'm quite an ambitious survivalist and I was planning on building a town within the first couple of days, but not even a couple hours worth of playing can I sufficiently claim a house. Maybe it's just me, but possibly increasing the number of claim blocks from 100 to 200 or even to 300 would seem as if playing was more worth your time than it would normally be. Additionally, adding in the ability to buy or sell claim blocks could be a possibility, especially for those who are somewhat of a capitalistic survivalist (I made 12 mil in 3 days about).
    2. Also, since griefing is not allowed, here is a suggestion on how players can quickly report griefers. There is a certain type of plugin called "LB Toolblock" or of the sort, and basically what it does is offer an actual block you can use to check the data of a block, and see if it was mined or placed or really anything that was done to it. This way, players can check their own buildings and towns and see if it was griefed in the event that it was not claimed.

    Anyways, everyone give your thoughts so hopefully a decision can be made amongst both.
  2. Hammynl

    Hammynl Ninja

    Aug 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Good ideas, Support!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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