Concerning Suicide

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Archives' started by Logo, Dec 7, 2015.

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  1. Logo

    Logo Canadian, Eh?

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Note: This thread is not endorsed or anyway affiliated with Minetime (except the fact that it is on Minetime's website), or it's Administrators.

    Most people know what suicide is, but for those who do not know, suicide is the act of killing one's self.

    Why Suicide?:
    People suffer from mental illnesses, and do not always get the medication and care they need. Almost half of the world population, at any given time, suffer from an illness known as depression. Mental illness is not the only cause of suicide. Other factors such as substance abuse (drugs or alcohol), difficulties with relationships, recent and/or major losses, and unbearable emotional or physical pain are also common causes.

    1. feelings of severe despondency(a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage) and dejection(a sad and depressed state; low spirits).
    There are many myths about depression, such as that it can cured solely by "eating healthier" or "changing your lifestyle". While those examples may not be cures, they do help (I personally vouch).

    Ways to help your depression:
    • Eating healthier. Eating healthy can help restore vitamins and nutrients. Which may make you feel physically healthier, which may make you feel less stressed and depressed. Plus it improves the blood flow to your brain, and that can help with several problems such as: troubles concentrating, troubles sleeping, etc.
    • Spending more time with people. People with depression will likely start becoming anti-social, and that leads to even more depression.
    • Talk to someone. You may have friends you can talk to. You may have family you can talk to. You can even go to an online website and talk to them! Just let it out and talk with someone, it will take a lot of off your back, so to speak.
    • Excising. I do not mean get ripped, I mean get physically active (I AM NOT CALLING YOU FAT). Get your body healthy, and your mind will feel better.
    • If you have any suggestions of what should be added here, comment and tag me or private message me.
    Bullying is more to do with teenagers. Bullying has effected everyone in some way (if you're Minecraft, it's definitely happened to you), but some people get it worse than others. Many common topics people get bullied for are: weight, height, wealth, physical appearance, and external organ size.

    Why would someone bully someone else?:
    It's human nature. When humans feel threatened they lash out, either with verbally or physically. Most people bully others to avoid personal flaws, or they think making someone else as miserable as them that they'll feel better.

    Suicide statistics:
    (these may not be 100% accurate)
    • 24-35% of all deaths from the ages 12-24 are caused by suicide
    • Main groups of humans that have committed or attempted suicide: Elders (80 years of age or older), teenagers (12-19), and young men from (19-24).
    • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages.
    • An estimated quarter million people each year become suicide survivors.
    • Suicide among males is 4x’s higher than among females. Male deaths represent 79% of all US suicides.
    • Firearms are the most commonly used method of suicide among males (51%).
    • 1 in 100,000 children ages 10 to 14 die by suicide each year.
    • 7 in 100,000 youth ages 15 to 19 die by suicide each year.
    • 12.7 in 100,000 young adults ages 20-24 die by suicide each year.
    Those are some insane facts! I am not going to say suicide can be stopped completely, but if people started trying we could easily lower those numbers.

    Someone is threatening suicide! Help!:
    If you encounter someone threatening suicide, try to talk to them. Find out what the problem is. Suicide attempts are usually "cries for help" according to the CDC. Stop them before it gets that far.

    (the following sections are only advisers, in many cases you may encounter you'll have to modify these using common sense)
    What to do for Minecraft suicide threats:
    -to be added-

    What to do for Skype suicide threats:
    -to be added-

    What to do for real-life suicide threats:
    -to be added-

    More will be added when I wake up tomorrow, and have a coffee.

    If you'd like to suggest add-ons or changes, private message me, or tag me in the comments.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. DEXsta101

    DEXsta101 Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 11, 2013
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    penty harmonium
  3. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Some people in Minecraft (and I have personally witnessed these happenings), usually try to threaten suicide for 1 of the following reasons:

    a) They are unhappy with something you may have done (stole something, said something wrong to them, etc.)
    b) They "suffer with depression" and "take meds" when it's pretty obvious they are just attention hogs.
    c) Finally, (the most annoying one IMO), they want something, such as a claim of land or some armor, and will threaten to commit suicide if not. These people are generally rare but when you do see them, they generally pull this type of *censored* multiple times.

    However, the people that actually do suffer with depression generally do not speak about it unless prompted, and those who do use it as an excuse or insult are annoying, spoiled, little *censored*.

    I agree with your entire paragraph as it does clear up some confusion, give statistics, and encourage people to be nice to people who actually do suffer with depression (though it's hard to tell over Minecraft).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Logo

    Logo Canadian, Eh?

    Dec 1, 2015
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    That's why I made this thread. To clear out some possible myths, and help people to have better judgement when it comes to suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide threats.
  5. Sir-Teabag

    Sir-Teabag Forum Fanatic

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Nicely written.
    I would just like to add, if anyone here really thinks they should talk to someone but can't do it face-to-face, I would 100% recommend asking Reachout.
    They've helped me a lot through tough times and are really helpful.
  6. Black_Lightning

    Black_Lightning Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 10, 2015
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    Very well-written! I hope everyone find this helpful (if it relates to them or someone they know).
  7. SlimeBlade

    SlimeBlade Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Things is those people are nimrods. There are people that had it worse.
  8. Cutie

    Cutie Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 18, 2014
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    If you don't mind may I have your sources?
  9. TheLastStraw

    TheLastStraw Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Er. Wiki anyone?
  10. Logo

    Logo Canadian, Eh?

    Dec 1, 2015
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    I didn't use Wikipedia.
  11. PandaRocks

    PandaRocks Dedicated Minetimer

    Jun 28, 2015
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    if you deppressed just think of me saying WHAT ARE THOOOSE to the pandas then getting kicked out of the park for excessive yelling. True story btw
  12. Logo

    Logo Canadian, Eh?

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Unneeded, uncalled for, and just doesn't fit the theme of this thread, but I'll take it!
  13. Claire

    Claire Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Didn't you talk about yourself having depression a while ago? Or am I mistaken?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. XxXRevXxX

    XxXRevXxX New Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Act Belong Commit Those 3 words can change every thing ask me how I know that...
  15. CurlyFries

    CurlyFries Expert Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Wonderful thread sir.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Collin

    Collin Retired Owner

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Locking this thread as, for many reasons, suicide is not an appropriate topic to discuss on Minetime's services.

    Furthermore, almost all users threatening to commit suicide over Minecraft are insincere and seeking attention. Giving these users the attention they seek only aggravates the problem. Minetime is not legally or morally obligated to take suicide threats made on our services seriously. If you see a user threatening to commit suicide, you should report them to staff as per Minetime's rules:
    • Suicide threats -- Threatening to commit suicide or insinuating in any way that you will or may commit suicide will get you permanently banned.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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