Skyblock Reset 1.12.2

Discussion in 'Announcements Archive' started by Beeman, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Beeman


    Sep 29, 2013
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    RELEASE DATE: Friday, January 19th @5PM EST.

    Hello Minetime Community!

    Today the Staff Team is happy to announce a brand new reset for our Skyblock game mode. In this thread, I'll go over the various changes we made and the features we've added; there is a lot to go through so be sure to read it so you can enjoy all the new features we've added!

    1.12.2 ProtocolSupport

    As with the other recent resets, we've decided to update the server to the latest version 1.12.2 and offer protocol support for previous versions. This means that you will be able to play with any client from 1.8 through 1.12.

    We highly recommend using 1.12.2 when playing, as we've added a few kits that are exclusive to 1.12. Though the items will technically still work with previous versions, the textures are different.


    For the most part, kits have remained the same.

    • RETURN - Kit Emerald - Returned for Timeless - Contains 2x Emerald Daily.
    • NEW Kit Purpur - Timeless Kit - Contains 8x Purpur blocks Daily. (Use 1.12 or else textures won't show!)
    • NEW Kit Powder - Admin and Up - Contains 8x Concrete Powder Daily. (Use 1.12 or else textures won't show!)
    • NEW Kit Clay - Executive and Up - Contains 8x Terracotta Blocks Daily.
    • REWORKED - Kit Timeless - Contains 1x of all Diamond Tools enchanted w/Elytra. [One Time Kit]
    • NEW - Kit Spawnercrate - Contains 1x Spawner Crate Key - Only available through Webstore or 90 Vote Reward.

    The Shop has been drastically changed. Warp Shop only sells starting/essential items for a hefty price, so there is an emphasis on player-created shops.

    • /Shop Removed.
    • You can only buy basic items from the shop at /warp shop, market or marketplace.
    • Added /sell hand for mob drops, prices are as follows:
      $0.03 x 1: Rottenflesh, Gunpowder, Wheat, Potato, Arrow, Bone, String, Feather
      $0.04 x 1: Sugarcane, Netherwart, Cactus

    Crates have been completely overhauled so that you want to be voting each day. We've modified all rewards to fit the new economy. You can view all the prizes in crates at /warp crates.

    NEW Spawner Crate - You can either get this key through voting (1/200 chance), Exceptional Crate, or through the Webstore. You will receive 1 Spawner.

    Coin System/Trading

    This is a new feature that I am pleased to bring to our Skyblock game mode. You will receive two coins per vote that can be redeemed at /warp marketplace. There are four villagers that you can trade your coins with for items that you can't get through kits, crates or the shop. These items range from Prismarine to an Enderdragon head.

    Because this is new, we'd love more feedback on how we can improve this feature. Consider giving us more suggestions on to improve the system here.


    When you vote, you will receive $20, 2 Coins and a Voter Crate Key. Also, you have a chance at earning special keys. You can see what you can win with /rewards.

    REWORKED VoteParty - Modified rewards you receive when a vote party happens. You'll get better rewards.

    ASkyBlock Changes

    We've made some changes to the ASkyBlock plugin itself to customize it further to fit Minetime's needs.

    • Villagers disabled - To fit with the new economy and to make Kit Emerald worth it - We have decided to disable villagers.
    • NEW Bigger Islands! - Islands are double the size of a protection range of 200 x 200! There is also 150 blocks of a buffer zone between your island and someone else's.
    • REWORKED Challenges - We've tweaked the challenges to fit with the new economy and have added a few more challenges.
    • Island Level - Your Island Level will now be displayed in chat. It will look like this:
      [500] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello everyone!
    • REWORKED Hoppers - The limit for hoppers has increased from 2048 per island to 4096.
    • NEW Top Island Hologram - There is a hologram at /spawn that includes the top islands with an island level.
    • REWORKED Nether Islands - Reworked Nether Islands for balance.

    NEW From the last Skyblock Reset, some challenges such as Prince, Baron, Overlord, King would broadcast in chat that "you are now an island <Prince|Baron|Overlord|King>." Building off this idea, we decided to add in a title system.

    When you complete the following challenges, you will receive a unique prefix when you chat: Archduke, Prince, Baron, Overlord King. In addition to this, you will still receive the special items that you get when completing these challenges. Here is what the titles look like when you get them:

    Island Level - Title - Donator Rank
    [500] [Duke] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello.
    [500] [Prince] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello.
    [500] [Baron] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello.
    [500] [Overlord] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello.
    [500] [King] [Premium] xBMAN: Hello.

    Misc. Features

      • NEW Nametags - You will have a nametag above your name and in the Tablist for your corresponding donator rank - Purely aesthetic.
      • NEW Trails - All donators have access to the /trails command - Gives your player a trail. Purely aesthetic and all donators receive all trails available.
      • REWORKED Reaction - Reworked the Chat Reaction, added some words and fixed rewards for guessing the word correctly.
      • NEW Kit Preview - Warp Donate will give you the ability to view all the donator kits for a corresponding rank.
      • NEW Upgradable Spawners - You can upgrade your spawners, so they have better mob drops. Right-Click your spawner,
      • and it will bring up a GUI, you can upgrade any spawner for $750.
      • RETURN Setwarp added back for MVP and up!

    I would like to introduce to you a new spawn for Minetime Skyblock, built by Lost and Rythen:


    On behalf of the Staff Team, enjoy the Reset.

    Feedback or Suggestions? Click HERE.
    Bugs? Click HERE.

    Enjoy =)
    • Like Like x 6
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  2. Carlrwc

    Carlrwc Forum Enthusiast

    May 1, 2016
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    I don't know how safe I feel knowing that Oscar and Daniel were the "testers" of this
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. PingPongGamer

    PingPongGamer Former Builder

    Jul 27, 2014
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    OI. I helped make that sign, where's my credit :3
  4. Realistic

    Realistic Fake Builder

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Turn the titles into suffixes instead of prefixes. Will look better, I promise ;)

    Adding some form of island size upgrade would also be pretty cool so that you’re not limited to that small island for a year before the next reset.

    A few things that I’m a bit skeptical about though:

    • The fact that only MVPs+ have access to /setwarp. In my opinion everyone should have access to at least a warp sign per island so that everyone can get a player shop going.
    • The price on spawner upgrades feels a bit too cheap.

    Other than that things are looking pretty noice. Good job
    #4 Realistic, Jan 15, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. iEBKN

    iEBKN Active Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Everything sounds great ! Although, Timeless seem to have much more kits then other ranks below it. Maybe add more kits to others? I don't know, that's my opinion. Love that you reset Skyblock fast !
    • Creative Creative x 1
  6. benji

    benji Forum Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2016
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    This sounds pretty cool, I hope it's better than what the current skyblock is like.
  7. God

    God #GhostArmy

    Dec 30, 2016
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    • Like Like x 1
  8. Nathan

    Nathan Salty Ex-Mod

    Mar 26, 2015
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    These islands are huge. They’re double the size of what Minetime’s ever had before (we’ve always had 100x100 I’m pretty sure). I doubt you’ll be looking for more space, especially since you can build multiple layers.

    If a player below MVP wanted a warp set for their island, they could ask for someone that had permissions to come on their island and set a warp for them.

    The economy has been changed back to how it was before. $750 is a lot of money for the economy
  9. Mr_Rmpack

    Mr_Rmpack Dedicated Minetimer

    Jun 17, 2015
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    is it ok if i world download my island? I don't want to lose my hard work.
  10. Realistic

    Realistic Fake Builder

    Nov 12, 2014
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    First of all, I can promise you that 200x200 isn't as big as you might think it is.

    Secondly, only giving a certain rank access to such as essential feature is just way too unfair. Sure you can ask, but doesn't that just make the permission pointless?

    Thirdly, you earn $40 just from voting. $750 can't be that much unless the upgrades only increase the rates by a very small amount. I'd honestly suggest that you use the new coin system when it comes to upgrades. Would make it a bit more valuable.
  11. Nathan

    Nathan Salty Ex-Mod

    Mar 26, 2015
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    I know how big it is; when filling 100x100 islands with grass in previous resets, I thought to myself, "Wow, these are so huge, I wish they were a little smaller honestly". I can't imagine how much grass and glowstone it's going to take to fill a 200x200 island.

    We've always had /setwarp available to a certain rank

    I think with the addition of coins, $40 a day from voting is a little too much, and I've suggested for it to be lower. But $750 is still a good amount of money either way
  12. Realistic

    Realistic Fake Builder

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I’ve seen players fill 500x500 islands in a few days without any trouble. You must just be lazy.

    Just because you’ve always had it like that doesn’t make it a good idea. You need to start changing and improving things, not keep it the same.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Olivia

    Olivia Expert Member

    May 30, 2015
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    It did change from 100x100 to 200x200 lol. In the previous reset it was less then 100x100 but before the previous reset it was 100x100
  14. Beeman


    Sep 29, 2013
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    The download for the previous world will be up shortly :).
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Pezzy

    Pezzy Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Wow! Nice update!
  16. Beeman


    Sep 29, 2013
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    We will probably change the warps plugin and opt for one that better stores warps (essentials merely creates a file in a folder - one that utilizes a database would be better) and would definitely be willing to give default players the ability to set their own shop warp since this economy relies on shops.

    The Spawner upgrades work so that when you upgrade your spawner it will give you 2x the mobs spawning, with a max of 5x being upgradable. Might make the prices higher.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Realistic

    Realistic Fake Builder

    Nov 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Sounds good
  18. Mr_Rmpack

    Mr_Rmpack Dedicated Minetimer

    Jun 17, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ok thank u
  19. Sir-Teabag

    Sir-Teabag Forum Fanatic

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Stop fkn resetting Skyblock already. You went from 60-90 users to barely 20 online at a time. Each reset is worse and worse. Just leave it

    Download Litemod and a mod called WorldDownloader. Watch a video of how to use it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  20. Mr_Rmpack

    Mr_Rmpack Dedicated Minetimer

    Jun 17, 2015
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    I agree but not in your way I believe it reset in July 2017...

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